Bally’s Quad Cities Casino And Hotel 777 Bally Blvd Rock Island, Illinois 61201 United States Tel: (800) 477-7747 Phone: 309-756-4600
In the Quad Cities, few casinos know how to do poker like we do. That's because Bally's Quad Cities Casino & Hotel is the only destination in the Quad Cities offering a poker room. Ante up and set your sights on a big win.
Monday & Tuesday | Closed
Wednesday | Beginning at 3pm
Thursday - Sunday | Beginning at 2pm
The Current Jackpot as of 3/20/25 is:
The object of the game is to make the best 5 card hand out of seven cards. It is played with two down cards and one up card dealt before the first round betting after each card. The last card is dealt face down and there is a final round of betting.
In seven card stud high, the lowest ranked up card is required to commence the betting. For all other betting rounds, the highest ranked poker hand has the first betting option. After the final betting round, the best 5 card hand wins the pot.
In seven card stud high/low, the initial betting shall commence with the highest ranked up card. For this purpose, an Ace shall be considered ranked below a two. After the final betting round the best five card high/low hand splits the pot.
In seven card stud high/low split eight or better the initial betting shall commence with the lowest ranked up card. After the final betting round, the best five card high and/or low hand with eight or better to qualify for low will split the pot. The low hand must be unpaired with no card higher than eight. If there is no qualifying low hand, the high hand wins the whole pot.
The object of the game is to make the best 5 card high hand using any combination from the 2 down cards dealt and the 5 face-up “community” board cards. A designated dealer button is used to determine the betting position. The player with the dealer button, which rotates clockwise, is always last to act.
One or two blind bets are used to initiate play. The small blind is posted by the player immediately clockwise from the button and the big blind is posted by the player two positions clockwise from the button. The game begins with two cards dealt face down to each player followed by the first betting round, which is initiated by the player to the left of the blinds. Then three community cards are dealt face-up in the center of the table. These cards are shared.
There is a second round of betting which begins with the first active player to the left of the button, as all other subsequent betting rounds do. A fourth card is dealt face up in the center, followed by a third round of betting. A fifth and final card is dealt face up in the center, followed by the final round of betting.
After all bets are acted upon, if more than one player remains, a show down shall determine to whom the pot is awarded. All players still active in the hand shall share equally in the pot when the best 5 card hand is formed by the 5 community cards.
The object of the game is to make the best five card hand using 2 of 4 down cards received, and 3 of 5 “community” board cards. Rotating clockwise, a designated dealer button is used to determine the betting position, the order of dealing the cards and the order of the blinds. The betting rounds and procedures for dealing the cards are the same as Texas Hold’em with the exception that the game begins with four cards dealt face down to each player.
In Omaha high the best 5 card high hand wins the pot. In Omaha high/low split eight or better the player having the best eight or better low hand will split the pot with the high hand. A low hand will only qualify if it can be made by having five unpaired cards, with no card higher than an eight.
A player may form two different five card hands, enabling that player to contend for both the high and low shares of the pot. A player can use one combination of cards to make a high hand and the same or any other combination to make a low hand, as long as each hand uses exactly two down cards with three community cards. An ace may be used concurrently as low ranking card to satisfy a low hand and as a high ranking card to satisfy a high hand. If there is no low hand, the high hand wins the entire pot.